Wednesday, April 6, 2022

COVER REVEAL: On the Edge by Julia Connors

Release Date: May 18

I lost everything because of him. He says he would give anything to get me back.

Once upon a time I had it all: an Olympic gold medal, a career as a professional ski racer, and a happily ever after so close I could almost touch it. Then my perfect life imploded in one tragic weekend. 

Five years later I’ve rebuilt my life with the best girlfriends, the perfect new boyfriend, and a new career. Now my ex—the one who wrecked everything five years earlier—is back as the newest member of the National Ski Team and I’m forced to be his physical therapist. 

My days are filled with him. He’s constantly shirtless and sweaty and sexy as sin, and trying to make me fall in love with him again. 

But I built these walls around my heart for a reason—and his presence is threatening to undo everything I've created without him. With the stakes this high and the sexual tension this hot, this could all go so very wrong. 

Or, maybe we’re on the edge of getting everything we ever wanted.

Author’s Note: If you don’t like globe-trotting to ski destinations around the world, powerful female friendships, athletes with ridiculous bodies, a strong heroine determined never to have her heart broken again, and an even stronger hero willing to do whatever it takes to earn back the love of his life, this book isn’t for you. But if you like all that in a steamy romance, with no cheating and a happily ever after, one-click to download this book immediately. 

Pre-Order Your Copy Here!

Meet Julia Connors

Julia Connors grew up on the warm and sunny West Coast, but her first decision as an adult was to trade her flip-flops for snow boots and move to Boston. 

She’s been enjoying everything that New England has to offer for over two decades, and now that she’s acclimated to the snowy winters and finally found all the places to get good sushi and tacos, she has zero regrets. 

You can usually find her in front of her computer, but when she stops writing she’s most likely to be found outdoors, preferably with a pair of skis or snowshoes strapped to her feet in winter, or on a paddleboard in the summer. 

To learn more about Julia Connors and her books, please visit here

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