Thursday, January 6, 2022

AUDIO REVIEW: The Boss by Melanie Moreland

The Boss by Melanie Moreland

Men of Hidden Justice, Book #1

Narrated by Maxine Mitchell and John Lane

Purchase HERE!

MY REVIEW- The Boss is the first book in Melanie Moreland’s Men of Hidden Justice Series and although much different and a touch darker than any other story I have read of this author it captivated me in the same way her books always do. I loved Matteo and Evie. Matteo is possessive, protective and over the top at times with Evie’s safety. He will do anything to keep her safe including marrying her. Matteo may take the law into his own hands, but he does it for all the right reasons, and I admired his drive and passion.  Evie is on the run. She has been the victim of domestic abuse and has recently gotten away but stumbles into Matteo and his “crew” in the middle of a murder. In order to protect herself and not allow her abuser to get the upper hand she agrees to marry Matteo.  I loved the fire between this two immediately, the sparks were electric and it took some time for Evie to trust Matteo’s intentions but when he earned her trust all bets were off, and they both fell hard and fast for other. Among this incredible love story was a heart pounding suspenseful storyline and it kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.  I have listened to many stories narrated by this duo for this author and as always they were perfect. Maxine Mitchell is smooth and sultry in her delivery and John Lane has such a rich deep voice, together they brought this story to life flawlessly. **narration 5/5 stars, story 5/5 stars!

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