Thursday, January 6, 2022

AUDIO REVIEW: Second-In-Command by Melanie Moreland

Second-In-Command by Melanie Moreland
Men of Hidden Justice, Book #2
Narrated by John Lane and Maxine Mitchell

Get your copy HERE!

Blurb- Men of Hidden Justice

Because love can bleed into the darkest heart

I found her when I least expected.

I should have let her go, but I couldn't.

My world is too dangerous for her.

But she needs the protection only I can give her.

And without her life has no meaning.

For the first time in my life, I'm taking what I want.
Consequences be damned. 

Audiobook Review- After finishing the Boss I thought to myself there is no way this author could top Matteo and Evie’s story but oh was I proven wrong! She absolutely did. I have read many contemporary romances by Melanie Moreland and loved them all. Even though this series is a touch darker than her usual style it still has the same qualities in her characters that I have come to love and I fell so hard for Marcus and Missy. After Matteo finding love he naturally asks his Second in Command, Marcus to step in as leader of the Men of Hidden Justice Team. The book begins with Marcus recovering Missy from a horrific state. She was badly beaten and left for dead after working under cover to take down the man in charge of global sex trafficking ring. You would think after being left in the state she is in Missy would be fragile and docile but not at all. She is one heck of a fighter who will not let the circumstances she found herself in get her down or stop her from her original plan to take him down. The problem is Marcus. He just wants to keep her safe and shielded from enduring anymore pain of reliving all she went through. However, Missy is having none of it. I just loved how she and Marcus go toe for toe on everything. Their chemistry and banter was fantastic and many times lead to some pretty steamy scenes between them. The audiobook is narrated by two of my favourites, Maxine Mitchell and John Lane. They are incredible story-tellers. John Lane has a deep and sexy voice that is just perfect for a character like Marcus, and Maxine Mitchell’s emotional performance of all that her character Missy endured was just incredible. **5+ stars for both story and narration! Highly recommend!

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